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Offender Re-entry Assistance Starts With Decreasing Recidivism

Recidivism (noun)
re·â€‹cid·â€‹i·â€‹vism | \ ri-ˈsi-dÉ™-ËŒvi-zÉ™m 
:habitual relapse into crime

Our goal to assist recently released offenders with societal re-entry is important, but we have realized that we can begin helping offenders with re-entry before they are released in hopes to drastically decrease the likelihood of them returning to incarceration. Studies show a correlation between decreases in recidivism and increases in communication with family and friends. To accomplish our goal we are proud to recommend Text To Write as a service that allows you to send unlimited letters and unlimited pictures to your incarcerated loved one directly from your cell phone through text message and from your computer or tablet through email. If you decide to use Text To Write to increase communication between you and your incarcerated loved, Text To Write will donate 25% of revenue to our Ladies In Full Effect Society Re-entry Assistance programs. 

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